MCST Update 6-27-20
Good afternoon Hammerhead Families,
I hope you are having a good weekend so far. It was great to see so many swimmers at practice this morning.
Can you believe that it is almost July 1st?!?!
Speaking of July 1st, I want to remind you of our first dual meet against Monte Sano (at their pool), this Wednesday, July 1. Please sign up your swimmer and sign-up for volunteer jobs if you haven't already. Thank you to those that have already signed up. We need to send our meet entries to Monte Sano on Monday so we will be closing the swimmer sign-up Sunday evening at 6PM.
Since this is our first dual meet, and things will handled a bit differently than in past seasons, please read the following notes carefully:
- The meet will start at 5:30PM sharp, and there will be no warm-up – please try to arrive no later than 5:15PM (closer to 5PM would be ideal) so our swimmers can get settled and ready to compete.
- In order to keep crowds to a minimum, Monte Sano has told us that only swimmer's parents/guardians (2 adults max) and siblings may attend – no additional family members or friends are allowed
- Monte Sano is planning to have a Chick-Fil-A vendor at the meet & they have asked us to try to get an estimate of how many of our members will purchase food from Chick-Fil-A. Please RSVP on our website to indicate whether or not you plan on purchasing from Chick-Fil-A.
- There will not be a traditional bullpen – swimmers and parents are asked to pay extra attention to meet progress and be ready for their events – swimmers will report to clerk of course at pool just prior to event
- No one will be allowed on the pool deck other than swimmers, coaches and volunteers. You can watch your swimmer race from the fenced area.
- Monte Sano has scheduled a full normal RCSL dual meet including relays and exhibition swims - the goal is to complete all events time permitting
- We will try to send out the heat sheet as soon as we have one from Monte Sano
- Please note that any/all of the above information is subject to change leading up to Wednesday - we will communicate any noteworthy changes as quickly as we receive them
We are still working to finalize the particulars of the other dual meets in July and hope to get on the website soon for sign-up. At the moment, we expect to have 2 more meets after Monte Sano, one at home and one away.
Lastly, just a reminder that our team pictures are scheduled for July 6th at 6PM. I have attached the order form for those that want to fill it out before getting to the pool. Our team rep at First Place Athletics indicated that the remaining suit orders should be in this Wednesday (July 1).
Go Hammerheads!!!
Joe Pierce
2020 MCST Board President