MCST Update 7-18-20
Happy Weekend, Hammerhead Families!
First of all, I was very pleased with how the dual meets went with Sharon Johnston this week! I think it worked out very well and we're very grateful for Sharon Johnston working with us to help make it happen. I hope our swimmers enjoyed the competition and fun!
Secondly, I want to address the topic of fundraising for this season. Unfortunately we were unable to make Shark-A-Thon happen this season. As mentioned at the beginning of the season, this event is typically our largest fundraising event for the season. In light of that, I want to draw attention to our donations area on the website for anyone that is able to donate towards the team's funds. You'll find a PayPal donation button there, as well as a donation form that can be used to make donations by cash or check. We ask that you please complete a donation form even if you use PayPal, so that the team has a record of your donation which will be used to prepare tax return forms. All donations to the team are fully tax deductible. The team is grateful for everyone that is able to donate this season, and we completely understand if you are unable to - we know this year has been very challenging for many families so there is absolutely no pressure to donate if you cannot do so.
Next, we have team pictures this Monday night, July 20 at the pool starting at 6PM. The order form is attached for those that wish to fill it out in advance. There will also be hard copy order forms available at the pool Monday night. A reminder there will be no team picture this season, just individual / family photos.
Last but definitely not least, the Final Intrasquad Meet is on the website and swimmmer sign-up is open. For this meet, parents are encouraged to select the individual events their swimmer wants to swim (up to 3 for ages 10 & under, and up to 5 for ages 11 & up including optional "bonus" 100 Free and 100 IM). Please look at the available events carefully and discuss with your swimmer before selecting events. Note the 25 yard events are also open for swimmers ages 9-10 who would like to try one or more of those instead of 50 yard events. Swimmers will also be entered into up to 2 relays by the coaches, one of which will be a fun "wacky" relay! As always, there are certain jobs needed to run this meet so please sign up for jobs if you can - thanks!
I can't believe there's only one week left this season and I'm sure you're thinking the same thing! On behalf of the board and coaches, it's been an absolute pleasure and an honor to be a part of the team this season! I know our swimmers will finish strong & I hope they enjoy the last few days of summer swim 2020!
Go Hammerheads!!!
Joe Pierce
2020 MCST Board President