Calling all Parents! Officials needed!
Good evening Hammerhead Parents,
I am the officials coordinator for MCST this season. I'm sending this e-mail to ask for help from any parents willing to step up this season and officiate. At the moment, the team has only 3 officials so we are currently unable to host our own swim meets (minimum of 4 officials needed). Not to mention there are no additional officials available to help distribute the work over the 5 regular swim meets plus the City Meet.
As a parent that has officiated swimming for several years, I can tell you it is a very rewarding job, and not as difficult as you may think. And as they say (it's true) - you have the best seat in the house at swim meets! I personally had no prior experience with competitive swimming prior to becoming an official so please know none is required.
The Rocket City Swim League oversees officiating at the league level, and handles getting folks certified, which is a fairly straight-forward process. They are using the information posted last year to handle certification for this season. You can check out more about officiating here: RCSL Officiating Page
If you are interested in stepping up to help the team with this critical role, please e-mail me right away. RCSL is trying to get a list of all team officials this week in order to plan the certification details. Certification involves: 1) completion of stroke and turn on-line test, 2) attendance at one of the deck trainings (TBD dates), 3) payment of a $15 fee. Please note MCST will reimburse your certification fee.
Thanks and have a great evening and a wonderful week!
Joe Pierce
256-783-4563, [email protected]